Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Global Warming and Climate Change

I am a denier. I have wrestled with the whole Global Warming/Climate Change debate and find it confusing, full of innuendo and conclusions based on guesses and modeling and less on science. if all the doomsday scenarios are true, then why are we not seeing any effects. If all the glaciers in the world are melting and many say they are then where in the ocean rise. If the additional CO2 in the atmosphere is causing global warming, where is the warming?
Carbon is the basic building block for life on earth. How is more carbon bad? If CO2 is only 00.038%of the atmosphere, how is it that a small increase in ppm have any affect at all.
      The world is a complex place and we are only a small part of it. The climate is a mechanism to redistribute the accumulated solar energy around the globe. That is why we have tropical rainforests and polar ice caps. It is why we have plains and hardwood forests. It is why we have the Gulf Stream and hurricanes and typhoons. The weather is just the daily iteration of the longer term climate change and professional meteorologists have trouble predicting weather more than 7 days in advance and usually are only accurate 2-3 days out. Based on this record and the climate change predictions that keep changing as well as the explanation of why it is not changing I can't put a lot of faith in a 50-100 year projection based on a computer model.